10.9.2008 | 16:15
Fróðleikur Frá Þorsteini Fróða!
Ég er búinn að vera að huxa síðustu daga .. sem gerist nú ekki oft.. en það kemur fyrir. Hér eru nokkri athygglisverðir punktar!
1. Hitler was one of the nominees for the 1938 Nobel Peace prize.
2. The average British woman spends two years of her life gazing in the mirror.
3. 2/3 of earth population have never seen snow.
4. In 1982, a new law was inforced in Zimbabwe, were it was forbidden for people to make fun of presidents name, Canaan Banana.
5. 6% of all heart attacks happens during the sex. 90% of them happens while you are cheating.
6. NASA never had any spaceships in space between 31 December and 1 January. They are affraid of computer error during these dates.
7. Every 3400th American is Elvis impersonator.
8. Woman are estimated to buy 80% of everything sold.
9. 44000 babies are born each day in China.
10. There are almost twice as many chickens alive as humans.
11. Men produce twice as much saliva as women.
12. Sixty-two of the worlds 100 richest men are married to brunettes.
13. On any given evening 35-40 paparazzi follow Britney Spears.
14. While filming the movie Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick, shot 96 takes of Tom Cruise walking through a door.
15. No English manager has ever won the Premier League.
16. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
17. No words in the English language rhyme with orange, silver, purple or month.
18. The most expensive age of your life is 34.
19. On an average day, about 3.3% of the worlds population has sex. Only 0.4% of these acts results in a birth.
20. More than 90 per cent of plane crashes have survivors
Mínir tenglar
- Myspace-ið Mitt
- Ási Bróðir Bloggar... Það má allveg hlægja aðeins af þessari vitleysu í honum..
- Bjarki Björgólfs..
- Vopnafjörður
- LIVERPOOL Besta og sigursælasta lið Englands
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Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti.
Þú varst klukkaður af mér :) http://storibjor.blog.is/blog/storibjor/entry/640133/
Pétur Kristinsson, 11.9.2008 kl. 20:52
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.